Gratitude Yoga Challenge 2015

2015 Gratitude Yoga Challenge

11/1 through 11/25/15

25 Days of Poses & Gratitude
Sponsored by Fitness Yoga & Experience Yoga Studios
Participate and earn a discount on a future class card or monthly unlimited purchase.
How it Works:

  1. Make sure you are following us on social media
    Fitness Yoga:
    Instagram & Twitter: @myfitnessyoga
    Facebook: FitnessYoga Studios

    Experience Yoga:

    Instagram: @experienceyogastudios
    Twitter: @experienceyoga
    Facebook: Experience Yoga Studios
  2. The daily pose will be posted on social media for your reference. Or you can always check back here to see what the daily pose is.
  3. Post a picture of yourself doing the daily pose on either Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and share something that you are grateful for.
  4. Use the hashtag #gratitudeyoga2015 in your post and tag us @myfitnessyoga and @experienceyogastudios or @experienceyoga (on Twitter).
  5. Keep track of your posts, especially if you post exclusively to Facebook.
  6. Make sure you are warmed up beforehand…especially for those challenging poses. A great time to snap a pic is after you have taken class or practiced at home.
  7. HAVE FUN! No worries if you cannot reach the full expression of the pose–do what you can!

The Poses

  1. Uttana Shishosana/Extended Puppy Dog Pose
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana/Down dog
  3. Virabhadrasana 1/Warrior 1
  4. Bhujangasana/Cobra or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Upward Facing Dog
  5. Anjaneyasana/Crescent Moon
  6. Salabhasana/Locust with hands bound behind back
  7. Ardha Chandrasana/Half Moon with leg bind
  8. Prasarita Padottanasana C/ Wide Legged Forward Fold C (arms bound behind back)
  9. Natarajasana/Dancer’s Pose
  10. Baddha Parsva Konasana/Bound Side Angle into Svarga Dvidasana/Bird of Paradise
  11. Purvottanasana/Reverse plank
  12. Uttan pristhasana/Lizard Pose
  13. Dhanurasana/bow
  14. Parsva Vasisthasana/Wild Thing or Flip the Dog
  15. Ustrasana/Camel Pose
  16. Gomukhasana/Cow Face
  17. Hanumanasana/split
  18. Adho Mukha Vrksasana/Handstand–Hollow Back Variation
  19. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana/One-legged King Pigeon Pose
  20. Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana/Compass Pose
  21. Pincha Mayurasana/Feathered Peacock/forearm balance into Scorpion Vrschikasana
  22. Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana/Bridge or Urdhva Dhanurasana/Upward Facing Bow aka wheel
  23. Supta Baddha Konasana/Reclined Bound Angle
  24. Sarvangasana/Shoulderstand
  25. Matsyasana/Fish pose

The Prizes:

5 posts: 5% off a class card or one month unlimited

10 posts: 10% off a class card or one month unlimited

15 posts: 20% off a class card or one month unlimited

20 posts: 30% off a class card or one month unlimited

25 posts: 40% off a class card or one month unlimited

**If you are an annual pass holder, and want to participate, email or see Laura**

The fine print:

  1. Once the challenge is complete, contact us at or check at the front desk of either studio about receiving your discount. Discounts are given in person only (no online discounts).
  2. Discount on the One-month Unlimited is for the first month only.
  3. Class cards or one month unlimited must be purchased AND ACTIVATED by 12/31/15. There will be NO EXTENSIONS for any reason on these packages or previously purchased packages.  Reformer Duet classes, special classes, and workshops are not included in this offer.
  4. This discount cannot be combined with any other type of discount.
  5. The package cannot be used at both studios at this time.

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